Privacy Policy
Terri-Ann Fairclough Counselling is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This notice sets out the basis on which any personal and sensitive data I collect from you, or is provided by you, will be stored, retained, used and destroyed. This is all in accordance with current General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and principles which came into force in May 2018.
Data Collection and Use
Terri-Ann Fairclough collects data in the form of contact details; therapy history; details of your GP and other relevant information relevant to your current physical, mental & emotional health and the reason for your visit. This information is given freely by yourself and is deemed true and correct at the time. This is collected by no other person except Terri-Ann Fairclough. Changes to your data should be provided by yourself as soon as it is known.
Terri-Ann Fairclough uses a manual paper collection process for the primary source of data.
The reason for collecting the data identified above is to inform a therapeutic approach and plan in the best interests. It is not shared with third parties. Should a referral letter, or report, be required to be sent to your GP (or other professional) then a copy will be also given directly to you. Names and telephone numbers are used only for effective direct communication and appointment reminders.
The contact form on the website only captures an enquirer's name, telephone and email address along with the IP address of the computer used to make the request and is thus a standard email contact. No cookies are captured and contact details are subsequently deleted.
Lawful Basis for Processing
Personal data is collected by Terri-Ann Fairclough with consent from you, the client, for the purposes of counselling/talking therapy. If the client is under the age of 18 a parent or guardian will sign consent on behalf of the client, however, verbal consent will be sought from the client at the initial consultation in order to proceed with therapy.
Receipt of emails, telephone calls, messages from Terri-Ann Fairclough will be for the sole purpose of making arrangements for counselling sessions and to communicate any agreed actions from sessions in exceptional circumstances.
Data Disclosure
I will only collect information that is necessary for the outcome of positive face to face and/or online sessions. The use of information is to provide the best possible service to the client, to be there as a support and to protect the safety and wellbeing of said client.
I will only disclose personal information if necessary (it will not be sold or used for unethical reasons). Reasons for disclosure would be:
· If I believe a client is at risk of harm to themselves or to others;
· If a client or anyone a client tells me about is at harm or risk of harm I may have to pass this information on to your GP or the police
· Upon receipt of a subpoena from a judge in a UK court of law, I am bound by British law to release your records.
I would of course try to discuss and disclosures beforehand with you to obtain your consent but there may be times this is not possible for example in the case of imminent danger.
Secure Storage
All measures are taken to prevent any destruction, damage or accidental loss of your personal and sensitive data. No third party has access to your data.
Paper files are stored and locked securely in a filing cabinet which only Terri-Ann Fairclough has full access to. These files are only retrieved prior to a session, or to check a detail, and are returned immediately after use.
Electronic files are stored on a secure encrypted stick and password protected laptop.
Phone/text messages will be sent and received from Terri-Ann Fairclough’s phone number only.
Data Retention, Access and Destruction
In compliance with regulatory, industry and GDPR guidelines, your data is stored for no longer than deemed necessary. Therefore, all files are retained for;
- Seven years after your final counselling session for adults over the age of 18.
- For a child who received, and ended, counselling prior to turning 18 years old, all information will be kept for seven years after the date of their 18th birthday.
As the data subject, you the client have the right to request access to all data held on you. Should you wish to request this please email directly to contactme@terri-ann.co.uk. If counselling notes contain references to other individuals these may not be available to you, as protection is also granted to third parties. It will be important not just to show the notes to you but to discuss the content of the notes. You will receive your requested data within 1 calendar month of the initial request.
At the end of the retention period, or by request, paper files will be shredded and electronic files deleted.